Set port in requests Set port in requests python-3.x python-3.x

Set port in requests

Request is an HTTP library.

You can specify the port in the URL

But, from what I can read in a hurry here cgminer provides a RPC API (or JSON RPC?) not an HTTP interface.

As someone who has learned some of the common pitfalls of python networking the hard way, I'm adding this answer to emphasize an important-but-easy-to-mess-up point about the 1st arg of requests.get():

localhost is an alias which your computer resolves to, the IP address of its own loopback adapter. is also an alias, just one that gets resolved further away from the host.

requests.get('')                #<--failsrequests.get('')         #<--works usually  

& for loopbacks:

requests.get('')       #<--worksrequests.get('http://localhost:4028')       #<--works

this one requires import socket & gives you the local ip of your host (aka, your address within your own LAN); it goes a little farther out from the host than just calling localhost, but not all the way out to the open-internet:

requests.get('http://{}:4028'.format(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())))  #<--works

You can specify the port for the request with a colon just as you would in a browser, such asr = requests.get('http://localhost:4028'). This will block until a response is received, or until the request times out, so you don't need to worry about awaiting a response.

You can send JSON data as a POST request using the method with the data parameter, such as

import json, requestspayload = {'command': 'summary'}r ='http://localhost:4028', data=json.dumps(payload))

Accessing the response is then possible with r.text or r.json().

Note that requests is an HTTP library - if it's not HTTP that you want then I don't believe it's possible to use requests.