Trouble with Jupyter certifications Trouble with Jupyter certifications python-3.x python-3.x

Trouble with Jupyter certifications

So I had this issue and it was due to a permission issue with your cert file as referenced in your jupyter config file. In I referenced mycert.pem. I changed the ownership of mycert.pem to my standard user account.

sudo chown user:user ~/certs/mycert.pem

This cleared the problem.

Check for the below few things to make sure you handle permission error while using jupyter notebook on AWS EC2 machine:-

1: Make sure not to use private ip but rather public ip,

2: Error after handling permission error on certificate by

sudo chown $USER:$USER /home/ubuntu/certs/mycert.pem

3: Handle SSL error, make sure to use https:// before ip:<port number>

4: Make sure to check inbound rules of security group to make sure you are trying right ports to access.