Unicode error handling with Python 3's readlines() Unicode error handling with Python 3's readlines() python-3.x python-3.x

Unicode error handling with Python 3's readlines()

In Python 3, pass an appropriate errors= value (such as errors=ignore or errors=replace) on creating your file object (presuming it to be a subclass of io.TextIOWrapper -- and if it isn't, consider wrapping it in one!); also, consider passing a more likely encoding than charmap (when you aren't sure, utf-8 is always a good place to start).

For instance:

f = open('misc-notes.txt', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')

In Python 2, the read() operation simply returns bytes; the trick, then, is decoding them to get them into a string (if you do, in fact, want characters as opposed to bytes). If you don't have a better guess for their real encoding:

your_string.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

...to replace unhandled characters, or

your_string.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')

to simply ignore them.

That said, finding and using their real encoding (rather than guessing utf-8) would be preferred.

You should open the file with a codecs to make sure that the file gets interpreted as UTF8.

import codecsfd = codecs.open(filename,'r',encoding='utf-8')data = fd.read()

Yeah..you could wrap it in a

try:    ....except UnicodeEncodeError:     pass