Unresolved reference: 'django' error in PyCharm Unresolved reference: 'django' error in PyCharm python-3.x python-3.x

Unresolved reference: 'django' error in PyCharm

I assume you're using a virtualenv which is located in the same directory as other project files. Python should know exactly that path. So, it's possibly that Pycharm is using the wrong Interpreter.

Go to Settings -> Project: -> Project Interpreter -> switch to the right path

In the interpreter packages, there should be Django package installed. If not, do it here/in terminal.

Mark root folder of project as 'Sources root', it works for me.Content Root

Above answers are answered partially.

Problem Description: I've multiple versions of python installed and Django is installed in one of Python version. There are two issues

  • Issue 1: Pycharm has wrong python interpreter. For this the Project Interpreter has to be changed to Python version where Django is installed. Solution: Follow all steps.

  • Issue 2: Django isn't listed as package. For this we need make available the installed python packages in the Pycharm environment. Solution: Follow all steps except step 3.

Solution:Peform following steps.

  1. In preference/settings go to Project > Project Interpreter
  2. On right hand side click on settings icon > Add Local
  3. Select correct Python version from Base Interpreter
  4. Mark the checkbox against Inherit global site-packages and Make available to all projects
  5. Click ok

Once this is done in Project Intepreter you will be able to see Django in the Package list.