update dictionary with dynamic keys and values in python update dictionary with dynamic keys and values in python python-3.x python-3.x

update dictionary with dynamic keys and values in python

Remove the following line:

    mydic = {i : o["name"]}

and add the following before your loop:

mydic = {}

Otherwise you're creating a brand new one-element dictionary on every iteration.

Also, the following:

mydic.update({i : o["name"]})

is more concisely written as

mydic[i] = o["name"]

Finally, note that the entire loop can be rewritten as a dictionary comprehension:

mydic = {i+1:o["name"] for i,o in enumerate(iterload(f))}

You could use len() to insert the value:

#!/usr/bin/pythonqueue = {}queue[len(queue)] = {'name_first': 'Jon', 'name_last': 'Doe'}queue[len(queue)] = {'name_first': 'Jane', 'name_last': 'Doe'}queue[len(queue)] = {'name_first': 'J', 'name_last': 'Doe'}print queue

@NPE pointed out the problem in your code (redefining the dict on each iteration).

Here's one more way to generate the dict (Python 3 code):

from operator import itemgettermydict = dict(enumerate(map(itemgetter("name"), iterload(f)), start=1))

About the KeyError: '1': input() returns a string in Python 3 but the dictionary mydict expects an integer. To convert the string to integer, call int:

nb_name = int(input("\nChoose the number of the name :"))