Virtualenv - Python 3 - Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit Virtualenv - Python 3 - Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit python-3.x python-3.x

Virtualenv - Python 3 - Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit

I had the same issue coming from development environments on OS X where I could create Python 3 virtual environments by simply invoking virtualenv and the path to the target directory. You should be able to create a Python 3.x virtual environment in one of two ways:

  1. Install virtualenv from the PyPi as you've done ($ pip3 install virtualenv), then by calling it as a module from the command line:

    $ python3 -m virtualenv /path/to/directory

  2. Use the venv module, which you can install through apt-get. (Note that Python 3.3 is when this module was introduced, so this answer assumes you're working with at least that):

    $ sudo apt-get install python3.4-venv

    Then you can set up your virtual environment with

    $ pyvenv-3.4 /path/to/directory

    and activate the environment with

    $ source /path/to/directory/bin/activate

You might also look at this post, which discusses differences between the venv module and virtualenv. Best of luck!

in addition to all the answers, you can use the following command.

virtualenv venv --python=python3.5

Also you can use this command:

virtualenv -p python3 envname