What is the most conventional way to integrate C code into a Python library using distutils? What is the most conventional way to integrate C code into a Python library using distutils? python-3.x python-3.x

What is the most conventional way to integrate C code into a Python library using distutils?

The shared libraries are the right way to go in this case. The distutils have ability to build the static libraries as follows:

from distutils.ccompiler import new_compilerfrom distutils import sysconfigc = new_compiler()workdir = "."c.add_include_dir( sysconfig.get_python_inc() )c.add_include_dir("./include")objects = c.compile(["file1.c", "file2.c"])c.link_shared_lib(objects, "mylibrary", output_dir=workdir)

This will generate the .so library in the working directory.

For example how it's used in real setup see the following example