Which tkinter modules were renamed in Python 3? Which tkinter modules were renamed in Python 3? python-3.x python-3.x

Which tkinter modules were renamed in Python 3?

The Tkinter package from Python 2 has been renamed to tkinter in Python 3, as well as other modules related to it.

Here is a list of renamed modules:

  • Tkintertkinter
  • tkMessageBoxtkinter.messagebox
  • tkColorChoosertkinter.colorchooser
  • tkFileDialogtkinter.filedialog
  • tkCommonDialogtkinter.commondialog
  • tkSimpleDialogtkinter.simpledialog
  • tkFonttkinter.font
  • Tkdndtkinter.dnd
  • ScrolledTexttkinter.scrolledtext
  • Tixtkinter.tix
  • ttktkinter.ttk

I advise you to learn how to dynamically browse the modules with the dir command. If you are under windows, configure Python to use readline module to get auto-completion and make it much easier to list available classes in a module.

For a description of each module, refer to the official Python documentation. (Tkinter in Python 2.x, tkinter in Python 3.x)

Quick Script for using Tkinter / tkinter for Python 2. & Python 3.**

I had a script which had different imports of Python 2.* Tkinter so browsing a but I see that the answer are all scattered. Here a small summary with a safe Script for using both Python versions.

try:  # Python 2.7    import Tkinter as tk    import tkColorChooser as color    import tkCommonDialog as cdialog    import Tkconstants as const    import Tkdnd as dnd    import tkFileDialog as fdialog    import tkFont as font    import tkMessageBox as msgbox    import ScrolledText as stext    import tkSimpleDialog as sdialog    import Tix as tix    import ttkexcept ImportError:  # Python 3.*     import tkinter as tk    from tkinter import (        colorchooser as color,        commondialog as cdialog,        constants as const,        dialog,        dnd,        filedialog as fdialog,        font,        messagebox as msgbox,        scrolledtext as stext,        simpledialog as sdialog,        tix,        ttk    )

List of ModuleNotFoundError Errors (When Running Python 3.)

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Tkinter'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkMessageBox'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ScrolledText'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkFileDialog'