Amazon API library for Python? [closed] Amazon API library for Python? [closed] python python

Amazon API library for Python? [closed]

There is now another alternative: python-amazon-product-api. It supports API version 2009-11-01 2010-12-01.

I'm using Bottlenose, Dan Loewenherz's "super awesome Python wrapper for the Amazon Product Advertising API". It doesn't parse the XML, so I'm using lxml.objectify:

ACCESS_KEY_ID = "..."SECRET_KEY = "..."ASSOC_TAG = "..."import bottlenoseamazon = bottlenose.Amazon(ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_KEY, ASSOC_TAG)response=amazon.ItemLookup(ItemId="B0018AFK38", ResponseGroup="OfferSummary")from lxml import objectifyroot = objectify.fromstring(response)root.Items.Item.OfferSummary.LowestNewPrice.FormattedPrice

If what you are looking for is a simple, object oriented access to Amazon products (lookup and search), try python-amazon-simple-product-api. Its a new project i've just released:

Its the new kid on the block!