An efficient way of making a large random bytearray An efficient way of making a large random bytearray python python

An efficient way of making a large random bytearray

The os module provides urandom, even on Windows:


This seems to perform as quickly as you need, in fact, I get better timings than your numpy (though our machines could be wildly different):

timeit.timeit(lambda:bytearray(os.urandom(1000000)), number=10)0.0554857286941

There are several possibilities, some faster than os.urandom. Also consider whether the data has to be generated deterministically from a random seed. This is invaluable for unit tests where failures have to be reproducible.

short and pithy:

lambda n:bytearray(map(random.getrandbits,(8,)*n))

I've use the above for unit tests and it was fast enough but can it be done faster?

using itertools:

lambda n:bytearray(itertools.imap(random.getrandbits,itertools.repeat(8,n))))

itertools and struct producing 8 bytes per iteration

lambda n:(b''.join(map(struct.Struct("!Q").pack,itertools.imap(    random.getrandbits,itertools.repeat(64,(n+7)//8)))))[:n]

Anything based on b''.join will fill 3-7x the memory consumed by the final bytearray with temporary objects since it queues up all the sub-strings before joining them together and python objects have lots of storage overhead.

Producing large chunks with a specialized function gives better performance and avoids filling memory.

import random,itertools,struct,operatordef randbytes(n,_struct8k=struct.Struct("!1000Q").pack_into):    if n<8000:        longs=(n+7)//8        return struct.pack("!%iQ"%longs,*map(            random.getrandbits,itertools.repeat(64,longs)))[:n]    data=bytearray(n);    for offset in xrange(0,n-7999,8000):        _struct8k(data,offset,            *map(random.getrandbits,itertools.repeat(64,1000)))    offset+=8000    data[offset:]=randbytes(n-offset)    return data


  • .84 MB/s :original solution with randint:
  • 4.8 MB/s :bytearray(getrandbits(8) for _ in xrange(n)): (solution by other poster)
  • 6.4MB/s :bytearray(map(getrandbits,(8,)*n))
  • 7.2 MB/s :itertools and getrandbits
  • 10 MB/s :os.urandom
  • 23 MB/s :itertools and struct
  • 35 MB/s :optimised function (holds for len = 100MB ... 1KB)

Note:all tests used 10KB as the string size. Results were consistent up till intermediate results filled memory.

Note:os.urandom is meant to provide secure random seeds. Applications expand that seed with their own fast PRNG. Here's an example, using AES in counter mode as a PRNG:

import osseed=os.urandom(32)from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modesfrom cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backendbackend = default_backend()cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(seed), modes.CTR(b'\0'*16), backend=backend)encryptor = cipher.encryptor()nulls=b'\0'*(10**5) #100kfrom timeit import timeitt=timeit(lambda:encryptor.update(nulls),number=10**5) #1GB, (100K*10k)print("%.1f MB/s"%(1000/t))

This produces pseudorandom data at 180 MB/s. (no hardware AES acceleration, single core) That's only ~5x the speed of the pure python code above.


There's a pure python crypto library waiting to be written. Putting the above techniques together with hashlib and stream cipher techniques looks promising. Here's a teaser, a fast string xor (42MB/s).

def xor(a,b):    s="!%iQ%iB"%divmod(len(a),8)    return struct.pack(s,*itertools.imap(operator.xor,        struct.unpack(s,a),        struct.unpack(s,b)))

What's wrong with just including numpy? Anyhow, this creates a random N-bit integer:

import randomN = 100000bits = random.getrandbits(N)

So if you needed to see if the value of the j-th bit is set or not, you can do bits & (2**j)==(2**j)

EDIT: He asked for byte array not bit array. Ned's answer is better: your_byte_array= bytearray((random.getrandbits(8) for i in xrange(N))