Anyone using Django in the "Enterprise" Anyone using Django in the "Enterprise" python python

Anyone using Django in the "Enterprise"

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Here are Django powered sites in rating order:

How about Django sites focused on "business": is that "Enterprise" enough?

We do econometric data processing with Django. High volume transactions. Is that "enterprise" enough?

One of the biggest drawbacks in django is that although in theory the concept of applications being self-contained sounds nice, in practice it really doesn't work that well; even if you find some app that provides functionality that you need - it is not always easy to plug it in and go - you will always need to edit/hack at it.

Evaluating django as a central platform at my work for developing pluggable apps led to a few roadblocks:

  1. ORM - yes, its great - but it is very specific and tailored. I have used it when I need some quick data processing done, but other than that you need to dive into something proper like SQLAlchemy. One thing we can't do easily is fetch random samples. This became a problem for us on a small data set (538,000+ rows approx.) with postgres.

  2. Template system - again, very specific to django-styled apps. No real concept of pluggable theme components unless you grow it yourself; and this means developing things that are already provided by other platforms.

  3. Not really a point against django per-se but lack of a central place to provide common services turned out to be a big issue for us. For example, no central authentication provider which we can plug into, no abstracted way of providing data credentials (separating of roles). So when we move things to production servers; the database credentials can't be edited on the server (as in the case with Java) and the db guys have to mess with my code base.

All these things have led me to look at Java portal servers as my "platform" and specifically Liferay as it has Python support.

I suggest you look at the big picture first before you commit yourself to django. I really love the framework, and I use it all the time on one-off projects, but as a central platform for developing all that we may need - django is not the answer for us.

I have now delegated django for self contained projects - like some specific mini-site for a department. If we need to use Python for something else, I now evaluate Pyramid as its more pluggable. For anything that needs integration beyond our department, I look at Java.

If all that fails - only then do we go to .NET.

My Company uses Django for at least six large scale enterprises such as mercedes, adidas. we often use the Jython wrapper. The advantages are

  • reduced development cost compared to Java/C#
  • runs stable via wrappers in IIS or Tomcat/Java environments
  • protects our software from copycats

Therefore we are well satisfied with Django and are promoting it to all our customers due to the dev cost advantage.