Automated docstring and comments spell check Automated docstring and comments spell check python python

Automated docstring and comments spell check

Pylint just released 1.4.0, which includes a spell-checker. Here is the initial pull-request.

Note that, to make the checker work, you need to install pyenchant python module and have an enchant library installed system-wide. On mac, it can be installed via brew:

$ brew install enchant

By default, the spelling pylint checker is turned off. You can enable it either in the pylint rc configuration file, or from the command-line:

$ cat I am the tyop$ pylint --disable all --enable spelling --spelling-dict en_US test.pyC:  1, 0: Wrong spelling of a word 'tyop' in a comment:# I am the tyop           ^^^^Did you mean: 'typo' or 'top' or 'tip' or 'topi'? (wrong-spelling-in-comment)