Best way to generate xml? [duplicate] Best way to generate xml? [duplicate] python python

Best way to generate xml? [duplicate]

ElementTree is a good module for reading xml and writing too e.g.

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostringroot = Element('root')child = SubElement(root, "child")child.text = "I am a child"print(tostring(root))


<root><child>I am a child</child></root>

See this tutorial for more details and how to pretty print.

Alternatively if your XML is simple, do not underestimate the power of string formatting :)

xmlTemplate = """<root>    <person>        <name>%(name)s</name>        <address>%(address)s</address>     </person></root>"""data = {'name':'anurag', 'address':'Pune, india'}print xmlTemplate%data


<root>    <person>        <name>anurag</name>        <address>Pune, india</address>     </person></root>

You can use string.Template or some template engine too, for complex formatting.

Using lxml:

from lxml import etree# create XML root = etree.Element('root')root.append(etree.Element('child'))# another child with textchild = etree.Element('child')child.text = 'some text'root.append(child)# pretty strings = etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)print s


<root>  <child/>  <child>some text</child></root>

See the tutorial for more information.

I would use the yattag library.

from yattag import Docdoc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext()with tag('food'):    with tag('name'):        text('French Breakfast')    with tag('price', currency='USD'):        text('6.95')    with tag('ingredients'):        for ingredient in ('baguettes', 'jam', 'butter', 'croissants'):            with tag('ingredient'):                text(ingredient)    print(doc.getvalue())

FYI I'm the author of the library.