Bokeh Plot with equal axes Bokeh Plot with equal axes python python

Bokeh Plot with equal axes

As of Bokeh 0.12.7, this feature has been implemented. Plots can now accept two new properties. match_aspect which, when set to true, will match the aspect of the data space to the pixel space of the plot. For example, squares drawn in data units will now be perfect squares in pixel units as well.

p = figure(match_aspect=True)[-1, +1, +1, -1], [-1, -1, +1, +1])

Bokeh match aspect = True

aspect_scale allows you to further control the aspect ratio by specifying a multiplier on top of the aspect correction made by match_aspect.

p = figure(aspect_scale=2)[-1, +1, +1, -1], [-1, -1, +1, +1])

Bokeh aspect scale = 2

p = figure(aspect_scale=0.5)[-1, +1, +1, -1], [-1, -1, +1, +1])

Bokeh aspect scale = 0.5

Sadly it seems that two years later this feature is still missing. As a workaround, I have written a function that sets the x_range and y_range properties of a figure appropriately to display your data with a given aspect ratio. This works fine as long as you don't allow any tools like box zoom that let the user modify the aspect ratio.

__all__ = ['set_aspect']from bokeh.models import Range1ddef set_aspect(fig, x, y, aspect=1, margin=0.1):    """Set the plot ranges to achieve a given aspect ratio.    Args:      fig (bokeh Figure): The figure object to modify.      x (iterable): The x-coordinates of the displayed data.      y (iterable): The y-coordinates of the displayed data.      aspect (float, optional): The desired aspect ratio. Defaults to 1.        Values larger than 1 mean the plot is squeezed horizontally.      margin (float, optional): The margin to add for glyphs (as a fraction        of the total plot range). Defaults to 0.1    """    xmin = min(xi for xi in x)    xmax = max(xi for xi in x)    ymin = min(yi for yi in y)    ymax = max(yi for yi in y)    width = (xmax - xmin)*(1+2*margin)    if width <= 0:        width = 1.0    height = (ymax - ymin)*(1+2*margin)    if height <= 0:        height = 1.0    xcenter = 0.5*(xmax + xmin)    ycenter = 0.5*(ymax + ymin)    r = aspect*(fig.plot_width/fig.plot_height)    if width < r*height:        width = r*height    else:        height = width/r    fig.x_range = Range1d(xcenter-0.5*width, xcenter+0.5*width)    fig.y_range = Range1d(ycenter-0.5*height, ycenter+0.5*height)if __name__ == '__main__':    from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show    x = [-1, +1, +1, -1]    y = [-1, -1, +1, +1]    output_file("bokeh_aspect.html")    p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=300, tools='pan,wheel_zoom',               title="Aspect Demo")    set_aspect(p, x, y, aspect=2), y, size=10)    show(p)