C Python: Running Python code within a context C Python: Running Python code within a context python python

C Python: Running Python code within a context

Python doesn't actually copy outer-scope locals into inner-scope locals; the documentation for locals states:

Free variables are returned by locals() when it is called in function blocks, but not in class blocks.

Here "free" variables refers to variables closed over by a nested function. It's an important distinction.

The simplest fix for your situation is just to pass the same dict object as globals and locals:

code = """myvar = 300def func():    return myvarfunc()"""d = {}eval(compile(code, "<str>", "exec"), d, d)

Otherwise, you can wrap your code in a function and extract it from the compiled object:

s = 'def outer():\n    ' + '\n    '.join(code.strip().split('\n'))exec(compile(s, '<str>', 'exec').co_consts[0], {}, {})