Calculate area of polygon given (x,y) coordinates Calculate area of polygon given (x,y) coordinates python python

Calculate area of polygon given (x,y) coordinates

Implementation of Shoelace formula could be done in Numpy. Assuming these vertices:

import numpy as npx = np.arange(0,1,0.001)y = np.sqrt(1-x**2)

We can redefine the function in numpy to find the area:

def PolyArea(x,y):    return 0.5*np.abs(,np.roll(y,1)),np.roll(x,1)))

And getting results:

print PolyArea(x,y)# 0.26353377782163534

Avoiding for loop makes this function ~50X faster than PolygonArea:

%timeit PolyArea(x,y)# 10000 loops, best of 3: 42 µs per loop%timeit PolygonArea(zip(x,y))# 100 loops, best of 3: 2.09 ms per loop.

Timing is done in Jupyter notebook.

The most optimized solution that covers all possible cases, would be to use a geometry package, like shapely, scikit-geometry or pygeos. All of them use C++ geometry packages under the hood. The first one is easy to install via pip:

pip install shapely

and simple to use:

from shapely.geometry import Polygonpgon = Polygon(zip(x, y)) # Assuming the OP's x,y coordinatesprint(pgon.area)

To build it from scratch or understand how the underlying algorithm works, check the shoelace formula:

# e.g. corners = [(2.0, 1.0), (4.0, 5.0), (7.0, 8.0)]def Area(corners):    n = len(corners) # of corners    area = 0.0    for i in range(n):        j = (i + 1) % n        area += corners[i][0] * corners[j][1]        area -= corners[j][0] * corners[i][1]    area = abs(area) / 2.0    return area

Since this works for simple polygons:

  • If you have a polygon with holes : Calculate the area of the outer ring and subtrack the areas of the inner rings

  • If you have self-intersecting rings : You have to decompose them into simple sectors

By analysis of Mahdi's answer, I concluded that the majority of time was spent doing np.roll(). By removing the need of the roll, and still using numpy, I got the execution time down to 4-5µs per loop compared to Mahdi's 41µs (for comparison Mahdi's function took an average of 37µs on my machine).

def polygon_area(x,y):    correction = x[-1] * y[0] - y[-1]* x[0]    main_area =[:-1], y[1:]) -[:-1], x[1:])    return 0.5*np.abs(main_area + correction)

By calculating the correctional term, and then slicing the arrays, there is no need to roll or create a new array.


10000 iterationsPolyArea(x,y): 37.075µs per looppolygon_area(x,y): 4.665µs per loop

Timing was done using the time module and time.clock()