Camera pose from solvePnP Camera pose from solvePnP python python

Camera pose from solvePnP

I think your transformation is missing a rotation. If I interpret your question correctly, you are asking what the inverse of (rotation by R followed by translation T)


The inverse should return the identity


Working this through yields

${\hat{R}|\vec{T}}^{-1}={\hat{R}^-1|-\hat{R}^-1\cdot \vec{T}}$

As far as I could tell you were using the $-\hat{R}^-1\cdot \vec{T}$ (undoing th translation) part of the answer but leaving out the inverse rotation $\hat{R}^-1$



Inverse of (Rotation+Translation):

${\hat{R}|\vec{T}}^{-1}\vec{r}=\hat{R}^{-1}\cdot\vec{r}-\hat{R}^{-1}\cdot \vec{T}$

Non-latex mode (R^-1*r-R^-1*T) is the inverse of (R.r+T)