Can Pylint error checking be customized? Can Pylint error checking be customized? python python

Can Pylint error checking be customized?

You can globally disable warnings of a certain class using

pylint --disable=W1234

or by using a special PyLint configuration file

pylint --rcfile=/path/to/config.file

A sample config file is given below:

[MESSAGES CONTROL]# C0111 Missing docstring # I0011 Warning locally suppressed using disable-msg# I0012 Warning locally suppressed using disable-msg# W0704 Except doesn't do anything Used when an except clause does nothing but "pass" and there is no "else" clause# W0142 Used * or * magic* Used when a function or method is called using *args or **kwargs to dispatch arguments.# W0212 Access to a protected member %s of a client class# W0232 Class has no __init__ method Used when a class has no __init__ method, neither its parent classes.# W0613 Unused argument %r Used when a function or method argument is not used.# W0702 No exception's type specified Used when an except clause doesn't specify exceptions type to catch.# R0201 Method could be a function# W0614 Unused import XYZ from wildcard import# R0914 Too many local variables# R0912 Too many branches# R0915 Too many statements# R0913 Too many arguments# R0904 Too many public methodsdisable=C0111,I0011,I0012,W0704,W0142,W0212,W0232,W0613,W0702,R0201,W0614,R0914,R0912,R0915,R0913,R0904,R0801

See the documentation over at Pylint's dedicated site.

As said by cfedermann, you can specify messages to be disabled in a ~/.pylintrc file (notice you can generate a stub file using pylint --generate-rcfile if you don't want to use inline comments.

You'll also see in the generated file, in the [BASIC] section, options like "method-rgx", "function-rgx", etc. which you can configure as you like to support camel cases style rather than pep8 underscore style.

Although this is an old question, it should be mentioned one can now specify their own regex for matching with names.

Then your regex to match camel case would be something like:
