Change main plot legend label text Change main plot legend label text python python

Change main plot legend label text

You need to gain access of the legend() object and use set_text() to change the text values, a simple example:

plt.plot(range(10), label='Some very long label')plt.plot(range(1,11), label='Short label')L=plt.legend()L.get_texts()[0].set_text('make it short')plt.savefig('temp.png')

enter image description here

In your case, you are changing the first item in the legend, I am quite sure the 0 index in L.get_texts()[0] applies to your problem too.

The answer by ksindi works for setting the labels, but as some others commented, it can break the legend colours when used with seaborn (in my case a scatterplot: the dots and text didn't line up properly anymore). To solve this, also pass the handles to ax.legend.

# the legend has often numbers like '0.450000007', the following snippet turns those in '0.45'label_list = []for t in ax.get_legend_handles_labels():    # the first result will be all handles, i.e. the dots in the legend    # the second result will be all legend text    label_list.append(t)new_list = []for txt in label_list[1]:    if txt[0] == '0':        txt = str(txt)[:4]    new_list.append(txt)label_list[1] = new_listax.legend(handles=label_list[0], labels=label_list[1])

(I would have posted this as a comment, but don't have enough reputation yet)