Check for mutability in Python? Check for mutability in Python? python python

Check for mutability in Python?

1) Keys must not be mutable, unless you have a user-defined class that is hashable but also mutable. That's all that's forced upon you. However, using a hashable, mutable object as a dict key might be a bad idea.

2) By not sharing values between the two dicts. It's OK to share the keys, because they must be immutable. Copying the dictionary, in the copy module sense, is definitely safe. Calling the dict constructor here works, too: b = dict(a). You could also use immutable values.

3) All built-in immutable types are hashable. All built-in mutable types are not hashable. For an object to be hashable, it must have the same hash over its entire lifetime, even if it is mutated.

4) Not that I'm aware of; I'm describing 2.x.

A type is mutable if it is not immutable. A type is immutable if it is a built-in immutable type: str, int, long, bool, float, tuple, and probably a couple others I'm forgetting. User-defined types are always mutable.

An object is mutable if it is not immutable. An object is immutable if it consists, recursively, of only immutable-typed sub-objects. Thus, a tuple of lists is mutable; you cannot replace the elements of the tuple, but you can modify them through the list interface, changing the overall data.

There isn't actually any such thing as mutability or immutability at the language level in Python. Some objects provide no way to change them (eg. strings and tuples), and so are effectively immutable, but it's purely conceptual; there's no property at the language level indicating this, neither to your code nor to Python itself.

Immutability is not actually relevant to dicts; it's perfectly fine to use mutable values as keys. What matters is comparison and hashing: the object must always remain equal to itself. For example:

class example(object):    def __init__(self, a):        self.value = a    def __eq__(self, rhs):        return self.value == rhs.value    def __hash__(self):        return hash(self.value)a = example(1)d = {a: "first"} = 2print d[example(1)]

Here, example is not immutable; we're modifying it with = 2. Yet, we're using it as a key of a hash without any trouble. Why? The property we're changing has no effect on equality: the hash is unchanged, and example(1) is always equal to example(1), ignoring any other properties.

The most common use of this is caching and memoization: having a property cached or not doesn't logically change the object, and usually has no effect on equality.

(I'm going to stop here--please don't ask five questions at once.)

There are MutableSequence, MutableSet, MutableMapping in module collections. Which can be used to check mutability of premade types.

issubclass(TYPE, (MutableSequence, MutableSet, MutableMapping))

If you want use this on user defined types, the type must be either inherited from one of them or registered as a virtual subclass.

class x(MutableSequence):    ...


class x:,x)