Clearly documented reading of emails functionality with python win32com outlook Clearly documented reading of emails functionality with python win32com outlook python python

Clearly documented reading of emails functionality with python win32com outlook

The visual basic for applications reference is your friend here. Try starting with this link...

Interop Outlook Mailitem Properties

For instance I can see that message will probably have additional properties than what you listed above. For example.

  • message.CC
  • message.Importance
  • message.LastModificationTime

For everyone wondering how to reach any default folder not just "Inbox" here's the list:

3  Deleted Items4  Outbox5  Sent Items6  Inbox9  Calendar10 Contacts11 Journal12 Notes13 Tasks14 Drafts

There are more (Reminders, Sync errors etc.); you can get whole list with this code (inspired by John Cook's solution to Folders):

import win32comoutlook=win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")for i in range(50):    try:        box = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(i)        name = box.Name        print(i, name)    except:        pass

I'm not pasting the whole list here, because mine is in Polish and wouldn't be really helpful.

I thought I'd add something on navigating through folders too - this is all derived from the Microsoft documentation above, but might be helpful to have here, particularly if you're trying to go anywhere in the Outlook folder structure except the inbox.

You can navigate through the folders collection using folders - note in this case, there's no GetDefaultFolder after the GetNamespace (otherwise you'll likely end up with the inbox).

outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace('MAPI')folder = outlook.Folders[1]

The number is the index of the folder you want to access. To find out how many sub-folders are in there:


If there more sub-folders you can use another Folders to go deeper:


Folders returns a list of sub-folders, so to get the names of all the folders in the current directory, you can use a quick loop.

for i in range(folder.Count):    print (folder[i].Name)

Each of the sub-folders has a .Items method to get a list of the emails.