Coding style (PEP8) - Module level "dunders" Coding style (PEP8) - Module level "dunders" python python

Coding style (PEP8) - Module level "dunders"

PEP 8 recently was updated to put the location before the imports. See revision cf8e888b9555, committed on June 7th, 2016:

Relax __all__ location.

Put all module level dunders together in the same location, and remove the redundant version bookkeeping information.

Closes #27187. Patch by Ian Lee.

The text was further updated the next day to address the from __future__ import ... caveat.

The patch links to issue #27187, which in turn references this pycodestyle issue, where it was discovered PEP 8 was unclear.

Before this change, as there was no clear guideline on module-level dunder globals, so PyCharm and the other answer were correct at the time. I'm not sure how PyCharm implements their PEP 8 checks; if they use the pycodestyle project (the defacto Python style checker), then I'm sure it'll be fixed automatically. Otherwise, perhaps file a bug with them to see this fixed.