Connecting Python with Teradata using Teradata module Connecting Python with Teradata using Teradata module python python

Connecting Python with Teradata using Teradata module

There are a number of ways to connect to Teradata and export table to Pandas. Here are four+:

Using teradata module

# You can install teradata via PIP: pip install teradata# to get a list of your odbc drivers names, you could do: teradata.tdodbc.drivers# You don’t need to install teradata odbc driver if using method='rest'.     # See sending data from df to teradata for connection example import teradataimport pandas as pdhost,username,password = 'HOST','UID', 'PWD'#Make a connectionudaExec = teradata.UdaExec (appName="test", version="1.0", logConsole=False)with udaExec.connect(method="odbc",system=host, username=username,                            password=password, driver="DRIVERNAME") as connect:    query = "SELECT * FROM DATABASEX.TABLENAMEX;"    #Reading query to df    df = pd.read_sql(query,connect)    # do something with df,e.g.    print(df.head()) #to see the first 5 rows

Using TeradataSQL

from @ymzkala : This package doesn't require you to install Teradata drivers (other than this package).

# Installing python -m pip install teradatasqlimport teradatasqlwith teradatasql.connect(host='host', user='username', password='password') as connect:    df = pd.read_sql(query, connect)

Using pyodbc module

import pyodbc #You can install teradata via PIP: pip install pyodbc #to get a list of your odbc drivers names, you could do: pyodbc.drivers()#Make a connectionlink = 'DRIVER={DRIVERNAME};DBCNAME={hostname};UID={uid};PWD={pwd}'.format(                      DRIVERNAME=DRIVERNAME,hostname=hostname,                        uid=username, pwd=password)with pyodbc.connect(link,autocommit=True) as connect:    #Reading query to df    df = pd.read_sql(query,connect)

Using sqlalchemy Module

 #You can install sqlalchemy via PIP: pip install sqlalchemy-teradata #Note: It is not pip install sqlalchemy. If you already have sqlalchemy, you still need sqlalchemy-teradata to get teradata dialectsfrom sqlalchemy import create_engine#Make a connectionlink = 'teradata://{username}:{password}@{hostname}/?driver={DRIVERNAME}'.format(               username=username,hostname=hostname,DRIVERNAME=DRIVERNAME)with create_engine(link) as connect:    #Reading query to df    df = pd.read_sql(query,connect)

There is a fifth way, using giraffez module. I enjoy using this module as it come with MLOAD, FASTLOAD, BULKEXPORT etc. The only issue for beginners is its requirements (e.g C/C++ compiler ,Teradata CLIv2 and TPT API headers/lib files).

Note: Updated 13-07-2018, using of context manager to ensure closing of sessions

Update: 31-10-2018: Using teradata to send data from df to teradata

We can send data from df to Teradata. Avoiding 'odbc' 1 MB limit and odbc driver dependency, we can use 'rest' method. We need host ip_address, instead of driver argument. NB: The order of columns in df should match the order of columns in Teradata table.

import teradataimport pandas as pd# HOST_IP can be found by executing *>>nslookup viewpoint* or *ping  viewpoint* udaExec = teradata.UdaExec (appName="test", version="1.0", logConsole=False) with udaExec.connect(method="rest",system="DBName", username="UserName",                      password="Password", host="HOST_IP_ADDRESS") as connect:    data = [tuple(x) for x in df.to_records(index=False)]    connect.executemany("INSERT INTO DATABASE.TABLEWITH5COL values(?,?,?,?,?)",data,batch=True)

Using 'odbc', you have to chunk your data to less than 1MB chunks to avoid "[HY001][Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver] Memory allocation error" error: E.g.

import teradataimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npudaExec = teradata.UdaExec (appName="test", version="1.0", logConsole=False)with udaExec.connect(method="odbc",system="DBName", username="UserName",                      password="Password", driver="DriverName") as connect:    #We can divide our huge_df to small chuncks. E.g. 100 churchs    chunks_df = np.array_split(huge_df, 100)    #Import chuncks to Teradata    for i,_ in enumerate(chunks_df):        data = [tuple(x) for x in chuncks_df[i].to_records(index=False)]        connect.executemany("INSERT INTO DATABASE.TABLEWITH5COL values(?,?,?,?,?)",data,batch=True)

To add on to Prayson's answer, you can use the teradatasql package (found on pypi). This package doesn't require you to install Teradata drivers (other than this package). Use it like so:

import teradatasqlimport pandas as pdwith teradatasql.connect(host='host', user='username', password='password') as connect:    data = pd.read_sql('select top 5 * from table_name;', connect)

Download the Teradata Python module and python pyodbc.pyd from internet.Install using cmd install

Here is the sample script for connecting to teradata and extracting data:

import teradataimport pyodbcimport sysudaExec = teradata.UdaExec (appName="HelloWorld", version="1.0",        logConsole=False)session = udaExec.connect(method="odbc", dsn="prod32",        username="PRODRUN", password="PRODRUN");i = 0REJECTED = 'R';f = file("output.txt","w");sys.stdout=fcursor =  session.cursor();ff_remaining = 0;cnt = cursor.execute("SELECT  SEQ_NO,FRQFBKDC,PNR_RELOC FROM ttemp.ffremaining ORDER BY 1,2,3 ").rowcount;rows = cursor.execute("SELECT  SEQ_NO,FRQFBKDC,PNR_RELOC FROM ttemp.ffremaining ORDER BY 1,2,3 ").fetchall();for i in range(cnt):    ff_remaining = cursor.execute("select count(*) as coun from  ttemp.ffretroq_paxoff where seq_no=? and status <> ?",(rows[i].seq_no,REJECTED)).fetchall();    print ff_remaining[0].coun, rows[i].seq_no, REJECTED;