Convert float to string in positional format (without scientific notation and false precision) Convert float to string in positional format (without scientific notation and false precision) python python

Convert float to string in positional format (without scientific notation and false precision)

Unfortunately it seems that not even the new-style formatting with float.__format__ supports this. The default formatting of floats is the same as with repr; and with f flag there are 6 fractional digits by default:

>>> format(0.0000000005, 'f')'0.000000'

However there is a hack to get the desired result - not the fastest one, but relatively simple:

  • first the float is converted to a string using str() or repr()
  • then a new Decimal instance is created from that string.
  • Decimal.__format__ supports f flag which gives the desired result, and, unlike floats it prints the actual precision instead of default precision.

Thus we can make a simple utility function float_to_str:

import decimal# create a new context for this taskctx = decimal.Context()# 20 digits should be enough for everyone :Dctx.prec = 20def float_to_str(f):    """    Convert the given float to a string,    without resorting to scientific notation    """    d1 = ctx.create_decimal(repr(f))    return format(d1, 'f')

Care must be taken to not use the global decimal context, so a new context is constructed for this function. This is the fastest way; another way would be to use decimal.local_context but it would be slower, creating a new thread-local context and a context manager for each conversion.

This function now returns the string with all possible digits from mantissa, rounded to the shortest equivalent representation:

>>> float_to_str(0.1)'0.1'>>> float_to_str(0.00000005)'0.00000005'>>> float_to_str(420000000000000000.0)'420000000000000000'>>> float_to_str(0.000000000123123123123123123123)'0.00000000012312312312312313'

The last result is rounded at the last digit

As @Karin noted, float_to_str(420000000000000000.0) does not strictly match the format expected; it returns 420000000000000000 without trailing .0.

If you are satisfied with the precision in scientific notation, then could we just take a simple string manipulation approach? Maybe it's not terribly clever, but it seems to work (passes all of the use cases you've presented), and I think it's fairly understandable:

def float_to_str(f):    float_string = repr(f)    if 'e' in float_string:  # detect scientific notation        digits, exp = float_string.split('e')        digits = digits.replace('.', '').replace('-', '')        exp = int(exp)        zero_padding = '0' * (abs(int(exp)) - 1)  # minus 1 for decimal point in the sci notation        sign = '-' if f < 0 else ''        if exp > 0:            float_string = '{}{}{}.0'.format(sign, digits, zero_padding)        else:            float_string = '{}0.{}{}'.format(sign, zero_padding, digits)    return float_stringn = 0.000000054321654321assert(float_to_str(n) == '0.000000054321654321')n = 0.00000005assert(float_to_str(n) == '0.00000005')n = 420000000000000000.0assert(float_to_str(n) == '420000000000000000.0')n = 4.5678e-5assert(float_to_str(n) == '0.000045678')n = 1.1assert(float_to_str(n) == '1.1')n = -4.5678e-5assert(float_to_str(n) == '-0.000045678')


I was worried this approach may be too slow, so I ran timeit and compared with the OP's solution of decimal contexts. It appears the string manipulation is actually quite a bit faster. Edit: It appears to only be much faster in Python 2. In Python 3, the results were similar, but with the decimal approach slightly faster.


  • Python 2: using ctx.create_decimal(): 2.43655490875

  • Python 2: using string manipulation: 0.305557966232

  • Python 3: using ctx.create_decimal(): 0.19519368198234588

  • Python 3: using string manipulation: 0.2661344590014778

Here is the timing code:

from timeit import timeitCODE_TO_TIME = '''float_to_str(0.000000054321654321)float_to_str(0.00000005)float_to_str(420000000000000000.0)float_to_str(4.5678e-5)float_to_str(1.1)float_to_str(-0.000045678)'''SETUP_1 = '''import decimal# create a new context for this taskctx = decimal.Context()# 20 digits should be enough for everyone :Dctx.prec = 20def float_to_str(f):    """    Convert the given float to a string,    without resorting to scientific notation    """    d1 = ctx.create_decimal(repr(f))    return format(d1, 'f')'''SETUP_2 = '''def float_to_str(f):    float_string = repr(f)    if 'e' in float_string:  # detect scientific notation        digits, exp = float_string.split('e')        digits = digits.replace('.', '').replace('-', '')        exp = int(exp)        zero_padding = '0' * (abs(int(exp)) - 1)  # minus 1 for decimal point in the sci notation        sign = '-' if f < 0 else ''        if exp > 0:            float_string = '{}{}{}.0'.format(sign, digits, zero_padding)        else:            float_string = '{}0.{}{}'.format(sign, zero_padding, digits)    return float_string'''print(timeit(CODE_TO_TIME, setup=SETUP_1, number=10000))print(timeit(CODE_TO_TIME, setup=SETUP_2, number=10000))

As of NumPy 1.14.0, you can just use numpy.format_float_positional. For example, running against the inputs from your question:

>>> numpy.format_float_positional(0.000000054321654321)'0.000000054321654321'>>> numpy.format_float_positional(0.00000005)'0.00000005'>>> numpy.format_float_positional(0.1)'0.1'>>> numpy.format_float_positional(4.5678e-20)'0.000000000000000000045678'

numpy.format_float_positional uses the Dragon4 algorithm to produce the shortest decimal representation in positional format that round-trips back to the original float input. There's also numpy.format_float_scientific for scientific notation, and both functions offer optional arguments to customize things like rounding and trimming of zeros.