Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict python python

Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict

You may access the internal __dict__ of a SQLAlchemy object, like the following::

for u in session.query(User).all():    print u.__dict__

I couldn't get a good answer so I use this:

def row2dict(row):    d = {}    for column in row.__table__.columns:        d[] = str(getattr(row,    return d

Edit: if above function is too long and not suited for some tastes here is a one liner (python 2.7+)

row2dict = lambda r: { str(getattr(r, for c in r.__table__.columns}

As per @zzzeek in comments:

note that this is the correct answer for modern versions of SQLAlchemy, assuming "row" is a core row object, not an ORM-mapped instance.

for row in resultproxy:    row_as_dict = dict(row)