Convert words between verb/noun/adjective forms Convert words between verb/noun/adjective forms python python

Convert words between verb/noun/adjective forms

This is more a heuristic approach. I have just coded it so appologies for the style. It uses the derivationally_related_forms() from wordnet. I have implemented nounify. I guess verbify works analogous. From what I've tested works pretty well:

from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wndef nounify(verb_word):    """ Transform a verb to the closest noun: die -> death """    verb_synsets = wn.synsets(verb_word, pos="v")    # Word not found    if not verb_synsets:        return []    # Get all verb lemmas of the word    verb_lemmas = [l for s in verb_synsets \                   for l in s.lemmas if'.')[1] == 'v']    # Get related forms    derivationally_related_forms = [(l, l.derivationally_related_forms()) \                                    for l in    verb_lemmas]    # filter only the nouns    related_noun_lemmas = [l for drf in derivationally_related_forms \                           for l in drf[1] if'.')[1] == 'n']    # Extract the words from the lemmas    words = [ for l in related_noun_lemmas]    len_words = len(words)    # Build the result in the form of a list containing tuples (word, probability)    result = [(w, float(words.count(w))/len_words) for w in set(words)]    result.sort(key=lambda w: -w[1])    # return all the possibilities sorted by probability    return result

Here is a function that is in theory able to convert words between noun/verb/adjective/adverb form that I updated from here (originally written by bogs, I believe) to be compliant with nltk 3.2.5 now that synset.lemmas and are functions.

from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn# Just to make it a bit more readableWN_NOUN = 'n'WN_VERB = 'v'WN_ADJECTIVE = 'a'WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE = 's'WN_ADVERB = 'r'def convert(word, from_pos, to_pos):        """ Transform words given from/to POS tags """    synsets = wn.synsets(word, pos=from_pos)    # Word not found    if not synsets:        return []    # Get all lemmas of the word (consider 'a'and 's' equivalent)    lemmas = []    for s in synsets:        for l in s.lemmas():            if'.')[1] == from_pos or from_pos in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE) and'.')[1] in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE):                lemmas += [l]    # Get related forms    derivationally_related_forms = [(l, l.derivationally_related_forms()) for l in lemmas]    # filter only the desired pos (consider 'a' and 's' equivalent)    related_noun_lemmas = []    for drf in derivationally_related_forms:        for l in drf[1]:            if l.synset().name().split('.')[1] == to_pos or to_pos in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE) and l.synset().name().split('.')[1] in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE):                related_noun_lemmas += [l]    # Extract the words from the lemmas    words = [ for l in related_noun_lemmas]    len_words = len(words)    # Build the result in the form of a list containing tuples (word, probability)    result = [(w, float(words.count(w)) / len_words) for w in set(words)]    result.sort(key=lambda w:-w[1])    # return all the possibilities sorted by probability    return resultconvert('direct', 'a', 'r')convert('direct', 'a', 'n')convert('quick', 'a', 'r')convert('quickly', 'r', 'a')convert('hunger', 'n', 'v')convert('run', 'v', 'a')convert('tired', 'a', 'r')convert('tired', 'a', 'v')convert('tired', 'a', 'n')convert('tired', 'a', 's')convert('wonder', 'v', 'n')convert('wonder', 'n', 'a')

As you can see below, it doesn't work so great. It's unable to switch between adjective and adverb form (my specific goal), but it does give some interesting results in other cases.

>>> convert('direct', 'a', 'r')[]>>> convert('direct', 'a', 'n')[('directness', 0.6666666666666666), ('line', 0.3333333333333333)]>>> convert('quick', 'a', 'r')[]>>> convert('quickly', 'r', 'a')[]>>> convert('hunger', 'n', 'v')[('hunger', 0.75), ('thirst', 0.25)]>>> convert('run', 'v', 'a')[('persistent', 0.16666666666666666), ('executive', 0.16666666666666666), ('operative', 0.16666666666666666), ('prevalent', 0.16666666666666666), ('meltable', 0.16666666666666666), ('operant', 0.16666666666666666)]>>> convert('tired', 'a', 'r')[]>>> convert('tired', 'a', 'v')[]>>> convert('tired', 'a', 'n')[('triteness', 0.25), ('banality', 0.25), ('tiredness', 0.25), ('commonplace', 0.25)]>>> convert('tired', 'a', 's')[]>>> convert('wonder', 'v', 'n')[('wonder', 0.3333333333333333), ('wonderer', 0.2222222222222222), ('marveller', 0.1111111111111111), ('marvel', 0.1111111111111111), ('wonderment', 0.1111111111111111), ('question', 0.1111111111111111)]>>> convert('wonder', 'n', 'a')[('curious', 0.4), ('wondrous', 0.2), ('marvelous', 0.2), ('marvellous', 0.2)]

hope this is able to save someone a little trouble

I understand that this doesn't answer your whole question, but it does answer a large part of it. I would check out This python library is able to conjugate verbs, and recognize whether a word is a verb, noun, or adjective.


print en.verb.present("gave")print en.verb.present("gave", person=3, negate=False)>>> give>>> gives

It can also categorize words.

print en.is_noun("banana")>>> True

The download is at the top of the link.