Converting emojis to Unicode and vice versa in python 3 Converting emojis to Unicode and vice versa in python 3 python python

Converting emojis to Unicode and vice versa in python 3

'😀' is already a Unicode object. UTF-8 is not Unicode, it's a byte encoding for Unicode. To get the codepoint number of a Unicode character, you can use the ord function. And to print it in the form you want you can format it as hex. Like this:

s = '😀'print('U+{:X}'.format(ord(s)))



If you have Python 3.6+, you can make it even shorter (and more efficient) by using an f-string:

s = '😀'print(f'U+{ord(s):X}')

BTW, if you want to create a Unicode escape sequence like '\U0001F600' there's the 'unicode-escape' codec. However, it returns a bytes string, and you may wish to convert that back to text. You could use the 'UTF-8' codec for that, but you might as well just use the 'ASCII' codec, since it's guaranteed to only contain valid ASCII.

s = '😀'print(s.encode('unicode-escape'))print(s.encode('unicode-escape').decode('ASCII'))



I suggest you take a look at this short article by Stack Overflow co-founder Joel Spolsky The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!).

sentence = "Head-Up Displays (HUD)💻 for #automotive🚗 sector\n \nThe #UK-based #startup🚀 Envisics got €42 million #funding💰 from l… "print("normal sentence - ", sentence)uc_sentence = sentence.encode('unicode-escape')print("\n\nunicode represented sentence - ", uc_sentence)decoded_sentence = uc_sentence.decode('unicode-escape')print("\n\ndecoded sentence - ", decoded_sentence)


normal sentence -  Head-Up Displays (HUD)💻 for #automotive🚗 sector The #UK-based #startup🚀 Envisics got €42 million #funding💰 from l… unicode represented sentence -  b'Head-Up Displays (HUD)\\U0001f4bb for #automotive\\U0001f697 sector\\n \\nThe #UK-based #startup\\U0001f680 Envisics got \\u20ac42 million #funding\\U0001f4b0 from l\\u2026 'decoded sentence -  Head-Up Displays (HUD)💻 for #automotive🚗 sector The #UK-based #startup🚀 Envisics got €42 million #funding💰 from l…