Correct Style for Python functions that mutate the argument Correct Style for Python functions that mutate the argument python python

Correct Style for Python functions that mutate the argument

The first way:

def change(array):   array.append(4)change(array)

is the most idiomatic way to do it. Generally, in python, we expect a function to either mutate the arguments, or return something1. The reason for this is because if a function doesn't return anything, then it makes it abundantly clear that the function must have had some side-effect in order to justify it's existence (e.g. mutating the inputs).

On the flip side, if you do things the second way:

def change(array):  array.append(4)  return arrayarray = change(array)

you're vulnerable to have hard to track down bugs where a mutable object changes all of a sudden when you didn't expect it to -- "But I thought change made a copy"...

1Technically every function returns something, that _something_ just happens to be None ...

The convention in Python is that functions either mutate something, or return something, not both.

If both are useful, you conventionally write two separate functions, with the mutator named for an active verb like change, and the non-mutator named for a participle like changed.

Almost everything in builtins and the stdlib follows this pattern. The list.append method you're calling returns nothing. Same with list.sort—but sorted leaves its argument alone and instead returns a new sorted copy.

There are a handful of exceptions for some of the special methods (e.g., __iadd__ is supposed to mutate and then return self), and a few cases where there clearly has to be one thing getting mutating and a different thing getting returned (like list.pop), and for libraries that are attempting to use Python as a sort of domain-specific language where being consistent with the target domain's idioms is more important than being consistent with Python's idioms (e.g., some SQL query expression libraries). Like all conventions, this one is followed unless there's a good reason not to.

So, why was Python designed this way?

Well, for one thing, it makes certain errors obvious. If you expected a function to be non-mutating and return a value, it'll be pretty obvious that you were wrong, because you'll get an error like AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'foo'.

It also makes conceptual sense: a function that returns nothing must have side-effects, or why would anyone have written it?

But there's also the fact that each statement in Python mutates exactly one thing—almost always the leftmost object in the statement. In other languages, assignment is an expression, mutating functions return self, and you can chain up a whole bunch of mutations into a single line of code, and that makes it harder to see the state changes at a glance, reason about them in detail, or step through them in a debugger.

Of course all of this is a tradeoff—it makes some code more verbose in Python than it would be in, say, JavaScript—but it's a tradeoff that's deeply embedded in Python's design.

It hardly ever makes sense to both mutate an argument and return it. Not only might it cause confusion for whoever's reading the code, but it leaves you susceptible to the mutable default argument problem. If the only way to get the result of the function is through the mutated argument, it won't make sense to give the argument a default.

There is a third option that you did not show in your question. Rather than mutating the object passed as the argument, make a copy of that argument and return it instead. This makes it a pure function with no side effects.

def change(array):  array_copy = array[:]  array_copy.append(4)  return array_copyarray = change(array)