Create DB connection and maintain on multiple processes (multiprocessing) Create DB connection and maintain on multiple processes (multiprocessing) python python

Create DB connection and maintain on multiple processes (multiprocessing)

Try to isolate the creation of your connection in the Consumer constructor, then give it to the executed Task :

import multiprocessing, time, psycopg2class Consumer(multiprocessing.Process):    def __init__(self, task_queue, result_queue):        multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)        self.task_queue = task_queue        self.result_queue = result_queue        self.pyConn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='geobase_1' host = 'localhost'")        self.pyConn.set_isolation_level(0)    def run(self):        proc_name =        while True:            next_task = self.task_queue.get()            if next_task is None:                print 'Tasks Complete'                self.task_queue.task_done()                break                        answer = next_task(connection=self.pyConn)            self.task_queue.task_done()            self.result_queue.put(answer)        returnclass Task(object):    def __init__(self, a):        self.a = a    def __call__(self, connection=None):                pyConn = connection        pyCursor1 = pyConn.cursor()        procQuery = 'UPDATE city SET gid_fkey = gid FROM country  WHERE ST_within((SELECT the_geom FROM city WHERE city_id = %s), country.the_geom) AND city_id = %s' % (self.a, self.a)        pyCursor1.execute(procQuery)        print 'What is self?'        print self.a        return self.a    def __str__(self):        return 'ARC'    def run(self):        print 'IN'