Creating graph with date and time in axis labels with matplotlib Creating graph with date and time in axis labels with matplotlib python python

Creating graph with date and time in axis labels with matplotlib

I hope this helps. I've always had a hard time with matplotlib's dates. Matplotlib requires a float format which is days since epoch. The helper functions num2date and date2num along with python builtin datetime can be used to convert to/from. The formatting business was lifted from this example. You can change an axis on any plot to a date axis using set_major_formatter.

import numpy as npfrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltfrom matplotlib import datesimport datetimea = np.array([    [1293605162197, 0, 0],    [1293605477994, 63, 0],    [1293605478057, 0, 0],    [1293605478072, 2735, 1249],    [1293606162213, 0, 0],    [1293606162229, 0, 0]])d = a[:,0]y1 = a[:,1]y2 = a[:,2]# convert epoch to matplotlib float formats = d/1000ms = d-1000*s  # not needed?dts = map(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp, s)fds = dates.date2num(dts) # converted# matplotlib date format objecthfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d %H:%M')fig = plt.figure()ax = fig.add_subplot(111)ax.vlines(fds, y2, y1)ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.MinuteLocator())ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt)ax.set_ylim(bottom = 0)plt.xticks(rotation='vertical')plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.3)
