Custom Annotation Seaborn Heatmap Custom Annotation Seaborn Heatmap python python

Custom Annotation Seaborn Heatmap

This feature has just been added in the recent version of Seaborn 0.7.1.

From Seaborn update history:

The annot parameter of heatmap() now accepts a rectangular dataset in addition to a boolean value. If a dataset is passed, its values will be used for the annotations, while the main dataset will be used for the heatmap cell colors

Here is an example

data = np.array([[0.000000,0.000000],[-0.231049,0.000000],[-0.231049,0.000000]])labels =  np.array([['A','B'],['C','D'],['E','F']])fig, ax = plt.subplots()ax = sns.heatmap(data, annot = labels, fmt = '')

Note, fmt = '' is necessary if you are using non-numeric labels, since the default value is fmt='.2g' which makes sense only for numeric values and would lead to an error for text labels.enter image description here

aanot_kws in Seaborn serves a different purpose, namely, it provides access to how annotations are displayed, rather than what is displayed

import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport seaborn as snssns.set()fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)ata = np.array([[0.000000,0.000000],[-0.231049,0.000000],[-0.231049,0.000000]])sns.heatmap(data, vmin=-0.231049, vmax=0, annot=True, fmt='f', annot_kws={"size": 15}, ax=ax[0])sns.heatmap(data, vmin=-0.231049, vmax=0, annot=True, fmt='f', annot_kws={"size": 10}, ax=ax[1]);

enter image description here

I don't believe this is possible in the current version. If you are up to a hack-y workaround, you could do the following ...

# Create the 1st heatmap without labels sns.heatmap(data=df1, annot=False,)# create the second heatmap, which contains the labels,# turn the annotation on,# and make it transparentsns.heatmap(data=df2, annot=True, alpha=0.0)

Note that you may have a problem with the coloring of your text labels. Here, I created a custom cmap to have all labels uniformly black.