Deleting read-only directory in Python Deleting read-only directory in Python python python

Deleting read-only directory in Python

shutil.rmtree can take an error-handling function that will be called when it has problem removing a file. You can use that to force the removal of the problematic file(s).

Inspired by and

import osimport statimport shutildef remove_readonly(func, path, excinfo):    os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)    func(path)shutil.rmtree(top, onerror=remove_readonly)

(I haven't tested that snippet out, but it should be enough to get you started)

If you import win32api from PyWin32, you can use:

win32api.SetFileAttributes(path, win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)

To make files cease to be read-only.

Another way is to define rmtree on Windows as

rmtree = lambda path: subprocess.check_call(['cmd', '/c', 'rd', '/s', '/q', path])