Django: 'current_tags' is not a valid tag library Django: 'current_tags' is not a valid tag library python python

Django: 'current_tags' is not a valid tag library

I would suggest the following:

  1. (Most likely) You haven't installed one of the dependencies of your tag library. Check the imports inside the module.

  2. Make sure the application that includes the tag library is registered in under INSTALLED_APPS.

  3. Make sure that you can successfully import the tag library.

    python shell>>> from app.templatetags import current_tags

    This boils down what the following link recommends, which is that the error itself tends to mislead you about where it's looking for a template from. It silently ignores errors on import, which means itself might have a syntax error or another reason why it raises ImportError.

If everything else fails, check this link:

I had this problem and fixed it by adding a blank file in my appname/templatetags/ directory.

Possibilities are many:

  1. You haven't reset your dev server.
  2. You have dependency loop in templatetag file.
  3. You misspelled something (directory, folder, template name in 'load', etc.).
  4. You forgot about adding the app to INSTALLED_APPS.