Django equivalent of PHP's form value array/associative array Django equivalent of PHP's form value array/associative array python python

Django equivalent of PHP's form value array/associative array

Check out the QueryDict documentation, particularly the usage of QueryDict.getlist(key).

Since request.POST and request.GET in the view are instances of QueryDict, you could do this:

<form action='/my/path/' method='POST'><input type='text' name='hi' value='heya1'><input type='text' name='hi' value='heya2'><input type='submit' value='Go'></form>

Then something like this:

def mypath(request):    if request.method == 'POST':        greetings = request.POST.getlist('hi') # will be ['heya1','heya2']

Sorry for digging this up, but Django has an utils.datastructures.DotExpandedDict. Here's a piece of it's docs:

>>> d = DotExpandedDict({'person.1.firstname': ['Simon'], \        'person.1.lastname': ['Willison'], \        'person.2.firstname': ['Adrian'], \        'person.2.lastname': ['Holovaty']})>>> d{'person': {'1': {'lastname': ['Willison'], 'firstname': ['Simon']}, '2': {'lastname': ['Holovaty'], 'firstname': ['Adrian']}}}

The only difference being you use dot's instead of brackets.

EDIT: This mechanism was replaced by form prefixes, but here's the old code you can drop in your app if you still want to use this concept:

Django does not provide a way to get associative arrays (dictionaries in Python) from the request object. As the first answer pointed out, you can use .getlist() as needed, or write a function that can take a QueryDict and reorganize it to your liking (pulling out key/value pairs if the key matches some key[*] pattern, for example).