Django get list of models in application Django get list of models in application python python

Django get list of models in application

From Django 1.7 on, you can use this code, for example in your to register all models:

from django.apps import appsfrom django.contrib import adminfrom django.contrib.admin.sites import AlreadyRegisteredapp_models = apps.get_app_config('my_app').get_models()for model in app_models:    try:    except AlreadyRegistered:        pass


for newer versions of Django check Sjoerd answer below

Original answer from 2012:This is the best way to accomplish what you want to do:

from django.db.models import get_app, get_modelsapp = get_app('my_application_name')for model in get_models(app):    # do something with the model

In this example, model is the actual model, so you can do plenty of things with it:

for model in get_models(app):    new_object = model() # Create an instance of that model    model.objects.filter(...) # Query the objects of that model    model._meta.db_table # Get the name of the model in the database    model._meta.verbose_name # Get a verbose name of the model    # ...

Best answer I found to get all models from an app:

from django.apps import appsapps.all_models['<app_name>']  #returns dict with all models you defined