Django, jQuery, and autocomplete Django, jQuery, and autocomplete python python

Django, jQuery, and autocomplete

If you're looking to search from within your django models then something like:

from django.utils import simplejson    def autocompleteModel(request):    search_qs = ModelName.objects.filter(name__startswith=request.REQUEST['search'])    results = []    for r in search_qs:        results.append(    resp = request.REQUEST['callback'] + '(' + simplejson.dumps(result) + ');'    return HttpResponse(resp, content_type='application/json')

For the jQuery autocomplete and call:

function searchOpen() {    var search = $('#txtSearch').val()    var data = {        search: search    };    $.ajax({        url: '/search.json',        data: data,        dataType: 'jsonp',        jsonp: 'callback',        jsonpCallback: 'searchResult'    });}function searchResult(data) {    $( "#txtSearch" ).autocomplete ({        source: data    });}

Finally to connect it all on your input form would have something like:

<input type="text" name="search" id="txtSearch" onkeyup="searchOpen()" />

Note, this is using Jquery UI as well in addition to stock jQuery.

Meanwhile, a good tutorial appeared.

autocomplete does everything for you, all you have to do is the following:


$(function() {  $("#search-field").autocomplete({    source: "/ajax_calls/myFunction",    minLength: 2,  });});

url(r'^ajax_calls/myFunction/', 'my_app.views.handler_function'),

def get_drugs(request):    if request.is_ajax():        .....        data = json.dumps(results)    else:        data = 'fail'    mimetype = 'application/json'    return HttpResponse(data, mimetype)


Let's say you want to set up autocomplete on some input field (like <input type="text" id="id_input">) with the username of your users. This is the way I did it:

First of all, add a url that will be used by the AJAX call.

url(r'^ajax/autocomplete/$', views.autocomplete, name='ajax_autocomplete')

Then set a view to retrieve the information (i.e the usernames, in this case) from the database

from django.http import JsonResponsedef autocomplete(request):    if request.is_ajax():        username_query = request.GET.get('username_query', '')        usernames = (User.objects                     .filter(username__startswith=username_query)                     .values_list('username', flat=True))        data = {            'usernames': usernames,        }        return JsonResponse(data)


Finally, you need to make a JavaScript function that goes to the database and returns the usernames that match with the value of the input field every time you press (and release) a key. For this, we are going to use Ajax, JQuery and the JQuery-ui's autocomplete function

jQuery(function() {    $("#id_input").on('keyup', function(){        let value = $(this).val();        $.ajax({            url: "{% url 'ajax_autocomplete' %}",            data: {              'username_query': value             },            dataType: 'json',            success: function (data) {                let usernames = data.usernames;                $("#id_input").autocomplete({                source: usernames,                minLength: 3                 });                   }        });            });  });

And that's it! For more information, you can check out this tutorial