Django: openpyxl saving workbook as attachment Django: openpyxl saving workbook as attachment python python

Django: openpyxl saving workbook as attachment

Give it a try:

from openpyxl.writer.excel import save_virtual_workbook...response = HttpResponse(save_virtual_workbook(wb), content_type='application/')

save_virtual_workbook was specially designed for your use case. Here's a docstring:

"""Return an in-memory workbook, suitable for a Django response."""

On at least some versions of django/python/openpyxl, the given solution does not work. See

Simple working solution:

wb = Workbook(write_only=True, encoding='utf-8')ws = wb.create_sheet()for row in data:    ws.append([str(cell) for cell in row])response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/')

What's happening here is that Django's HttpResponse is a file-like object. can take a file-like object. (Internally, it uses zipfile, which takes either a filename or a file-like object.)

If you're manipulating the file in memory, this is the simplest and probably most efficient solution. A streaming response doesn't really make sense since the data is not being created with a generator. Even if save_virtual_workbook works, the data it writes is generated as a block before it's readable.

The other option would be to create a NamedTemporaryFile (from tempfile or Django's wrapper), pass that into, then use FileResponse to stream that from the filesystem instead of from memory.

I usually use

ws = wb.add_sheet("Pi")

instead of

ws = wb.create_sheet()ws.title = "Pi"

Moreover, you can try to do: (see documentation)

and then use stream in HttpResponse.