Django returns 403 error when sending a POST request Django returns 403 error when sending a POST request python python

Django returns 403 error when sending a POST request

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Try marking your view with @csrf_exempt. That way, Django's CSRF middleware will ignore CSRF protection. You'll also need to use from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt. See:

Please be advised that by disabling CSRF protection on your view, you are opening a gate for CSRF attacks.

If security is vital to you then consider using @csrf_exempt followed by @requires_csrf_token (see: Then, in your script pass this token and that's it.

Does the view that you are posting to have a Django Form on it? If so, I wonder if it's giving a csrf error. I think that manifests itself as a 403. In that case, you'd need to add the {{ csrf_token }} tag. Just a thought.

The response is 403 because django requires a csrf token (included in the post data) in every POST request you make.

There are various ways to do this such as:

Acquiring the token from cookie and the method has been explained in article enter link description here


You can access it from DOM using {{ csrf_token }}, available in the template

So now using the second method:

var post_data = {  ...  'csrfmiddlewaretoken':"{{ csrf_token }}"  ...}$.ajax({  url:'url',  type:'POST'  data:post_data,  success:function(data){    console.log(data);  },  error:function(error){    console.log(error);  }});