Django switching, for a block of code, switch the language so translations are done in one language Django switching, for a block of code, switch the language so translations are done in one language python python

Django switching, for a block of code, switch the language so translations are done in one language

As @SteveMayne pointed out in comment (but it worth an answer), you can now use the context manager translation.override (works with Django 1.6, didn't check with earlier versions):

from django.utils import translationprint(_("Hello"))  # Will print to Hello if default = 'en'# Make a block where the language will be Danishwith translation.override('dk'):    print(_("Hello"))  # print "Hej"

It basically uses the same thing than @bitrut answer but it's built-in in Django, so it makes less dependencies...

You can force language in a nice way using context manager:

class force_lang:    def __init__(self, new_lang):        self.new_lang = new_lang        self.old_lang = translation.get_language()    def __enter__(self):       translation.activate(self.new_lang)    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):       translation.activate(self.old_lang)

Then you can use with statement:

with force_lang('en'):    ...

simplest way to switch language is:

from django.utils.translation import activateactivate('en')# do smthgactivate('pl')# do something in other language

be carefull with this as it is changing context for the rest of the execution of this process/thread.