Django - taking values from POST request Django - taking values from POST request python python

Django - taking values from POST request

Read about request objects that your views receive:

Also your hidden field needs a reliable name and then a value:

<input type="hidden" name="title" value="{{ source.title }}">

Then in a view:

request.POST.get("title", "")

If you need to do something on the front end you can respond to the onsubmit event of your form. If you are just posting to admin/start you can access post variables in your view through the request object. request.POST which is a dictionary of post variables

For django forms you can do this;

form = UserLoginForm(data=request.POST) #getting the whole data from the user.user = #saving the details obtained from the user.username = user.cleaned_data.get("username") #where "username" in parenthesis is the name of the Charfield (the variale name i.e, username = forms.Charfield(max_length=64))