Does Python have the Elvis operator? Does Python have the Elvis operator? python python

Does Python have the Elvis operator?


Python does have the elvis operator. It is the conditional or operator:

x = f() or g()

f() is evaluated. If truthy, then x is assigned the value of f(), else x is assigned the value of g().


NB Python does not have the null-coalescing operator defined by:

a if a is not None else b

The or operator in a or b checks the truthiness of a which is False when a==0 or len(a)==0 or other similar situations. See What is Truthy and Falsy

There is a proposal to add such operators PEP 505

>>> a = [1,2,3]>>> b = [4,5,6]>>> c = [4]>>> a + (b,c)[b>c][1, 2, 3, 4]>>> a + (b,c)[b<c][1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>> 

Python elvis operation is

(testIsFalse, testIsTrue)[test]

The Java equivalent is

test ? testIsTrue:testIsFalse