Dynamically filtering a pandas dataframe Dynamically filtering a pandas dataframe python python

Dynamically filtering a pandas dataframe

If you're trying to build a dynamic query, there are easier ways. Here's one using a list comprehension and str.join:

query = ' & '.join(['{}>{}'.format(k, v) for k, v in limits_dic.items()])

Or, using f-strings with python-3.6+,

query = ' & '.join([f'{k}>{v}' for k, v in limits_dic.items()])

print(query)'A>0 & C>-1 & B>2'

Pass the query string to df.query, it's meant for this very purpose:

out = df.query(query)print(out)    A  B  C1   2  5  22  10  3  14   3  6  2

What if my column names have whitespace, or other weird characters?

From pandas 0.25, you can wrap your column name in backticks so this works:

query = ' & '.join([f'`{k}`>{v}' for k, v in limits_dic.items()])

See this Stack Overflow post for more.

You could also use df.eval if you want to obtain a boolean mask for your query, and then indexing becomes straightforward after that:

mask = df.eval(query)print(mask)0    False1     True2     True3    False4     Truedtype: boolout = df[mask]print(out)    A  B  C1   2  5  22  10  3  14   3  6  2

String Data

If you need to query columns that use string data, the code above will need a slight modification.

Consider (data from this answer):

df = pd.DataFrame({'gender':list('MMMFFF'),                   'height':[4,5,4,5,5,4],                   'age':[70,80,90,40,2,3]})print (df)  gender  height  age0      M       4   701      M       5   802      M       4   903      F       5   404      F       5    25      F       4    3

And a list of columns, operators, and values:

column = ['height', 'age', 'gender']equal = ['>', '>', '==']condition = [1.68, 20, 'F']

The appropriate modification here is:

query = ' & '.join(f'{i} {j} {repr(k)}' for i, j, k in zip(column, equal, condition))df.query(query)   age gender  height3   40      F       5

For information on the pd.eval() family of functions, their features and use cases, please visit Dynamic Expression Evaluation in pandas using pd.eval().

An alternative to @coldspeed 's version:

conditions = Nonefor key, val in limit_dic.items():    cond = df[key] > val    if conditions is None:        conditions = cond    else:        conditions = conditions & condprint(df[conditions])

An alternative to both posted, that may or may not be more pythonic:

import pandas as pdimport operatorfrom functools import reducedf = pd.DataFrame({"A": [6, 2, 10, -5, 3],                   "B": [2, 5, 3, 2, 6],                   "C": [-5, 2, 1, 8, 2]})limits_dic = {"A": 0, "B": 2, "C": -1}# equiv to [df['A'] > 0, df['B'] > 2 ...]loc_elements = [df[key] > val for key, val in limits_dic.items()]df = df.loc[reduce(operator.and_, loc_elements)]