Elegant ways to support equivalence ("equality") in Python classes Elegant ways to support equivalence ("equality") in Python classes python python

Elegant ways to support equivalence ("equality") in Python classes

Consider this simple problem:

class Number:    def __init__(self, number):        self.number = numbern1 = Number(1)n2 = Number(1)n1 == n2 # False -- oops

So, Python by default uses the object identifiers for comparison operations:

id(n1) # 140400634555856id(n2) # 140400634555920

Overriding the __eq__ function seems to solve the problem:

def __eq__(self, other):    """Overrides the default implementation"""    if isinstance(other, Number):        return self.number == other.number    return Falsen1 == n2 # Truen1 != n2 # True in Python 2 -- oops, False in Python 3

In Python 2, always remember to override the __ne__ function as well, as the documentation states:

There are no implied relationships among the comparison operators. The truth of x==y does not imply that x!=y is false. Accordingly, when defining __eq__(), one should also define __ne__() so that the operators will behave as expected.

def __ne__(self, other):    """Overrides the default implementation (unnecessary in Python 3)"""    return not self.__eq__(other)n1 == n2 # Truen1 != n2 # False

In Python 3, this is no longer necessary, as the documentation states:

By default, __ne__() delegates to __eq__() and inverts the result unless it is NotImplemented. There are no other implied relationships among the comparison operators, for example, the truth of (x<y or x==y) does not imply x<=y.

But that does not solve all our problems. Let’s add a subclass:

class SubNumber(Number):    passn3 = SubNumber(1)n1 == n3 # False for classic-style classes -- oops, True for new-style classesn3 == n1 # Truen1 != n3 # True for classic-style classes -- oops, False for new-style classesn3 != n1 # False

Note: Python 2 has two kinds of classes:

  • classic-style (or old-style) classes, that do not inherit from object and that are declared as class A:, class A(): or class A(B): where B is a classic-style class;

  • new-style classes, that do inherit from object and that are declared as class A(object) or class A(B): where B is a new-style class. Python 3 has only new-style classes that are declared as class A:, class A(object): or class A(B):.

For classic-style classes, a comparison operation always calls the method of the first operand, while for new-style classes, it always calls the method of the subclass operand, regardless of the order of the operands.

So here, if Number is a classic-style class:

  • n1 == n3 calls n1.__eq__;
  • n3 == n1 calls n3.__eq__;
  • n1 != n3 calls n1.__ne__;
  • n3 != n1 calls n3.__ne__.

And if Number is a new-style class:

  • both n1 == n3 and n3 == n1 call n3.__eq__;
  • both n1 != n3 and n3 != n1 call n3.__ne__.

To fix the non-commutativity issue of the == and != operators for Python 2 classic-style classes, the __eq__ and __ne__ methods should return the NotImplemented value when an operand type is not supported. The documentation defines the NotImplemented value as:

Numeric methods and rich comparison methods may return this value if they do not implement the operation for the operands provided. (The interpreter will then try the reflected operation, or some other fallback, depending on the operator.) Its truth value is true.

In this case the operator delegates the comparison operation to the reflected method of the other operand. The documentation defines reflected methods as:

There are no swapped-argument versions of these methods (to be used when the left argument does not support the operation but the right argument does); rather, __lt__() and __gt__() are each other’s reflection, __le__() and __ge__() are each other’s reflection, and __eq__() and __ne__() are their own reflection.

The result looks like this:

def __eq__(self, other):    """Overrides the default implementation"""    if isinstance(other, Number):        return self.number == other.number    return NotImplementeddef __ne__(self, other):    """Overrides the default implementation (unnecessary in Python 3)"""    x = self.__eq__(other)    if x is NotImplemented:        return NotImplemented    return not x

Returning the NotImplemented value instead of False is the right thing to do even for new-style classes if commutativity of the == and != operators is desired when the operands are of unrelated types (no inheritance).

Are we there yet? Not quite. How many unique numbers do we have?

len(set([n1, n2, n3])) # 3 -- oops

Sets use the hashes of objects, and by default Python returns the hash of the identifier of the object. Let’s try to override it:

def __hash__(self):    """Overrides the default implementation"""    return hash(tuple(sorted(self.__dict__.items())))len(set([n1, n2, n3])) # 1

The end result looks like this (I added some assertions at the end for validation):

class Number:    def __init__(self, number):        self.number = number    def __eq__(self, other):        """Overrides the default implementation"""        if isinstance(other, Number):            return self.number == other.number        return NotImplemented    def __ne__(self, other):        """Overrides the default implementation (unnecessary in Python 3)"""        x = self.__eq__(other)        if x is not NotImplemented:            return not x        return NotImplemented    def __hash__(self):        """Overrides the default implementation"""        return hash(tuple(sorted(self.__dict__.items())))class SubNumber(Number):    passn1 = Number(1)n2 = Number(1)n3 = SubNumber(1)n4 = SubNumber(4)assert n1 == n2assert n2 == n1assert not n1 != n2assert not n2 != n1assert n1 == n3assert n3 == n1assert not n1 != n3assert not n3 != n1assert not n1 == n4assert not n4 == n1assert n1 != n4assert n4 != n1assert len(set([n1, n2, n3, ])) == 1assert len(set([n1, n2, n3, n4])) == 2

You need to be careful with inheritance:

>>> class Foo:    def __eq__(self, other):        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):            return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__        else:            return False>>> class Bar(Foo):pass>>> b = Bar()>>> f = Foo()>>> f == bTrue>>> b == fFalse

Check types more strictly, like this:

def __eq__(self, other):    if type(other) is type(self):        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__    return False

Besides that, your approach will work fine, that's what special methods are there for.

The way you describe is the way I've always done it. Since it's totally generic, you can always break that functionality out into a mixin class and inherit it in classes where you want that functionality.

class CommonEqualityMixin(object):    def __eq__(self, other):        return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)            and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)    def __ne__(self, other):        return not self.__eq__(other)class Foo(CommonEqualityMixin):    def __init__(self, item):        self.item = item