Export dataframe as csv file from google colab to google drive Export dataframe as csv file from google colab to google drive python python

Export dataframe as csv file from google colab to google drive

It may be easier to use mounting instead of pydrive.

from google.colab import drivedrive.mount('drive')

After authentication, you can copy your csv file.

df.to_csv('data.csv')!cp data.csv "drive/My Drive/"

Without using !cp command

from google.colab import drive

  • Mounts the google drive to Colab Notebook


  • Make sure the folder Name is created in the google drive before uploading

df.to_csv('/drive/My Drive/folder_name/name_csv_file.csv')

# Import Drive API and authenticate.from google.colab import drive# Mount your Drive to the Colab VM.drive.mount('/gdrive')# Write the DataFrame to CSV file.with open('/gdrive/My Drive/foo.csv', 'w') as f:  df.to_csv(f)