find xml element based on its attribute and change its value find xml element based on its attribute and change its value python python

find xml element based on its attribute and change its value

You can access the attribute value as this:

from elementtree.ElementTree import XML, SubElement, Element, tostringtext = """<root>    <phoneNumbers>        <number topic="sys/phoneNumber/1" update="none" />        <number topic="sys/phoneNumber/2" update="none" />        <number topic="sys/phoneNumber/3" update="none" />    </phoneNumbers>    <gfenSMSnumbers>        <number topic="sys2/SMSnumber/1" update="none" />        <number topic="sys2/SMSnumber/2" update="none" />    </gfenSMSnumbers></root>"""elem = XML(text)for node in elem.find('phoneNumbers'):    print node.attrib['topic']    # Create sub elements    if node.attrib['topic']=="sys/phoneNumber/1":        tag = SubElement(node,'TagName')        tag.attrib['attr'] = 'AttribValue'print tostring(elem)

forget to say, if your ElementTree version is greater than 1.3, you can use XPath:


or you can use this simple one:

for node in elem.findall('.//number'):    if node.attrib['topic']=="sys/phoneNumber/1":        tag = SubElement(node,'TagName')        tag.attrib['attr'] = 'AttribValue'

For me this Elementtree snipped of code worked to find element by attribute:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETtree = ET.parse('file.xml')root = tree.getroot()topic=root.find(".//*[@topic='sys/phoneNumber/1']").text

I'm not familiar with xmlElementTree, but if you're using something capable of xpath expressions you can locate a node by attribute value using an expression like this:


So, using the etree module:

>>> import lxml.etree as etree>>> doc = etree.parse('foo.xml')>>> nodes = doc.xpath('//number[@topic="sys/phoneNumber/1"]')>>> nodes[<Element number at 0x10348ed70>]>>> etree.tostring(nodes[0])'<number topic="sys/phoneNumber/1" update="none"/>\n    '