Finding k closest numbers to a given number Finding k closest numbers to a given number python python

Finding k closest numbers to a given number

The short answer

The heapq.nsmallest() function will do this neatly and efficiently:

>>> from heapq import nsmallest>>> s = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]>>> nsmallest(3, s, key=lambda x: abs(x - 6.5))[6, 7, 5]

Essentially this says, "Give me the three input values that have the smallest absolute difference from the number 6.5".

Optimizing for repeated lookups

In the comments, @Phylliida, asked how to optimize for repeated lookups with differing start points. One approach would be to pre-sort the data and then use bisect to locate the center of a small search segment:

from bisect import bisectdef k_nearest(k, center, sorted_data):    'Return *k* members of *sorted_data* nearest to *center*'    i = bisect(sorted_data, center)    segment = sorted_data[max(i-k, 0) : i+k]    return nsmallest(k, segment, key=lambda x: abs(x - center))

For example:

>>> s.sort()>>> k_nearest(3, 6.5, s)[6, 7, 5]>>> k_nearest(3, 0.5, s)[1, 2, 3]>>> k_nearest(3, 4.5, s)    [4, 5, 3]>>> k_nearest(3, 5.0, s)[5, 4, 6]

You could compute distances, and sort:

[n for d, n in sorted((abs(x-myNumber), x) for x in myList)[:k]]

This does the following:

  1. Create a sequence of tuples (d, x) where d is the distance to your target
  2. Select the first k elements of that list
  3. Extract just the number values from the result, discarding the distance

Both answers were good, and Greg was right, Raymond's answer is more high level and easier to implement, but I built upon Greg's answer because it was easier to manipulate to fit my need.

In case anyone is searching for a way to find the n closest values from a list of dicts.

My dict looks like this, where npi is just an identifier that I need along with the value:

mydict = {u'fnpi': u'1982650024', u'snpi': {u'npi': u'1932190360', u'value': 2672}, u'snpis': [{u'npi': u'1831289255', u'value': 20},  {u'npi': u'1831139799', u'value': 20},  {u'npi': u'1386686137', u'value': 37},  {u'npi': u'1457355257', u'value': 45},  {u'npi': u'1427043645', u'value': 53},  {u'npi': u'1477548675', u'value': 53},  {u'npi': u'1851351514', u'value': 57},  {u'npi': u'1366446171', u'value': 60},  {u'npi': u'1568460640', u'value': 75},  {u'npi': u'1326046673', u'value': 109},  {u'npi': u'1548281124', u'value': 196},  {u'npi': u'1912989989', u'value': 232},  {u'npi': u'1336147685', u'value': 284},  {u'npi': u'1801894142', u'value': 497},  {u'npi': u'1538182779', u'value': 995},  {u'npi': u'1932190360', u'value': 2672},  {u'npi': u'1114020336', u'value': 3264}]}value = mydict['snpi']['value'] #value i'm working with belownpi = mydict['snpi']['npi'] #npi (identifier) i'm working with belowsnpis = mydict['snpis'] #dict i'm working with below

To get an [id, value] list (not just a list of values) , I use this:

[[id,val] for diff, val, id in sorted((abs(x['value']-value), x['value'], x['npi']) for x in snpis)[:6]]

Which produces this:

[[u'1932190360', 2672], [u'1114020336', 3264], [u'1538182779', 995], [u'1801894142', 497], [u'1336147685', 284], [u'1912989989', 232]]


I actually found it pretty easy to manipulate Raymond's answer too, if you're dealing with a dict (or list of lists).

from heapq import nsmallest[[i['npi'], i['value']] for i in nsmallest(6, snpis, key=lambda x: abs(x['value']-value))]

This will produce the same as the above output.

And this

nsmallest(6, snpis, key=lambda x: abs(x['value']-value)) will produce a dict instead.