Fit a non-linear function to data/observations with pyMCMC/pyMC Fit a non-linear function to data/observations with pyMCMC/pyMC python python

Fit a non-linear function to data/observations with pyMCMC/pyMC

My first question is, am I doing it right?

Yes! You need to include a burn-in period, which you know. I like to throw out the first half of my samples. You don't need to do any thinning, but sometimes it will make your post-MCMC work faster to process and smaller to store.

The only other thing I advise is to set a random seed, so that your results are "reproducible": np.random.seed(12345) will do the trick.

Oh, and if I was really giving too much advice, I'd say import seaborn to make the matplotlib results a little more beautiful.

My second question is, how do I add an error in the x-direction, i.e. in the x-position of the observations/data?

One way is to include a latent variable for each error. This works in your example, but will not be feasible if you have many more observations. I'll give a little example to get you started down this road:

# add noise to observed x valuesx_obs = pm.rnormal(mu=x, tau=(1e4)**-2)# define the model/function to be fitted.def model(x_obs, f):     amp = pm.Uniform('amp', 0.05, 0.4, value= 0.15)    size = pm.Uniform('size', 0.5, 2.5, value= 1.0)    ps = pm.Normal('ps', 0.13, 40, value=0.15)    x_pred = pm.Normal('x', mu=x_obs, tau=(1e4)**-2) # this allows error in x_obs    @pm.deterministic(plot=False)    def gauss(x=x_pred, amp=amp, size=size, ps=ps):        e = -1*(np.pi**2*size*x/(3600.*180.))**2/(4.*np.log(2.))        return amp*np.exp(e)+ps    y = pm.Normal('y', mu=gauss, tau=1.0/f_error**2, value=f, observed=True)    return locals()MDL = pm.MCMC(model(x_obs, f))MDL.use_step_method(pm.AdaptiveMetropolis, MDL.x_pred) # use AdaptiveMetropolis to "learn" how to stepMDL.sample(200000, 100000, 10)  # run chain longer since there are more dimensions

It looks like it may be hard to get good answers if you have noise in x and y:model fit with noise in x and y

Here is a notebook collecting this all up.

EDIT: Important noteThis has been bothering me for a while now. The answers given by myself and Abraham here are correct in the sense that they add variability to x. HOWEVER: Note that you cannot simply add uncertainty in this way to cancel out the errors you have in your x-values, so that you regress against "true x". The methods in this answer can show you how adding errors to x affects your regression if you have the true x. If you have a mismeasured x, these answers will not help you. Having errors in the x-values is a very tricky problem to solve, as it leads to "attenuation" and an "errors-in-variables effect". The short version is: having unbiased, random errors in x leads to bias in your regression estimates. If you have this problem, check out Carroll, R.J., Ruppert, D., Crainiceanu, C.M. and Stefanski, L.A., 2006. Measurement error in nonlinear models: a modern perspective. Chapman and Hall/CRC., or for a Bayesian approach, Gustafson, P., 2003. Measurement error and misclassification in statistics and epidemiology: impacts and Bayesian adjustments. CRC Press. I ended up solving my specific problem using Carroll et al.'s SIMEX method along with PyMC3. The details are in Carstens, H., Xia, X. and Yadavalli, S., 2017. Low-cost energy meter calibration method for measurement and verification. Applied energy, 188, pp.563-575. It is also available on ArXiv

I converted Abraham Flaxman's answer above into PyMC3, in case someone needs it. Some very minor changes, but can be confusing nevertheless.

The first is that the deterministic decorator @Deterministic is replaced by a distribution-like call function var=pymc3.Deterministic(). Second, when generating a vector of normally distributed random variables,

rvs = pymc2.rnormal(mu=mu, tau=tau)

is replaced by

rvs = pymc3.Normal('var_name', mu=mu, tau=tau,shape=size(var)).random()

The complete code is as follows:

import numpy as npfrom pymc3 import *import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# set random seed for reproducibilitynp.random.seed(12345)x = np.arange(5,400,10)*1e3# Parameters for gaussianamp_true = 0.2size_true = 1.8ps_true = 0.1#Gaussian functiongauss = lambda x,amp,size,ps: amp*np.exp(-1*(np.pi**2/(3600.*180.)*size*x)**2/(4.*np.log(2.)))+psf_true = gauss(x=x,amp=amp_true, size=size_true, ps=ps_true )# add noise to the data pointsnoise = np.random.normal(size=len(x)) * .02 f = f_true + noise f_error = np.ones_like(f_true)*0.05*f.max()with Model() as model3:    amp = Uniform('amp', 0.05, 0.4, testval= 0.15)    size = Uniform('size', 0.5, 2.5, testval= 1.0)    ps = Normal('ps', 0.13, 40, testval=0.15)    gauss=Deterministic('gauss',amp*np.exp(-1*(np.pi**2*size*x/(3600.*180.))**2/(4.*np.log(2.)))+ps)    y =Normal('y', mu=gauss, tau=1.0/f_error**2, observed=f)    start=find_MAP()    step=NUTS()    trace=sample(2000,start=start)# extract and plot resultsy_min = np.percentile(trace.gauss,2.5,axis=0)y_max = np.percentile(trace.gauss,97.5,axis=0)y_fit = np.percentile(trace.gauss,50,axis=0)plt.plot(x,f_true,'b', marker='None', ls='-', lw=1, label='True')plt.errorbar(x,f,yerr=f_error, color='r', marker='.', ls='None', label='Observed')plt.plot(x,y_fit,'k', marker='+', ls='None', ms=5, mew=1, label='Fit')plt.fill_between(x, y_min, y_max, color='0.5', alpha=0.5)plt.legend()

Which results in


For errors in x (note the 'x' suffix to variables):

# define the model/function to be fitted in PyMC3:with Model() as modelx:    x_obsx = pm3.Normal('x_obsx',mu=x, tau=(1e4)**-2, shape=40)    ampx = Uniform('ampx', 0.05, 0.4, testval=0.15)    sizex = Uniform('sizex', 0.5, 2.5, testval=1.0)    psx = Normal('psx', 0.13, 40, testval=0.15)    x_pred = Normal('x_pred', mu=x_obsx, tau=(1e4)**-2*np.ones_like(x_obsx),testval=5*np.ones_like(x_obsx),shape=40) # this allows error in x_obs    gauss=Deterministic('gauss',ampx*np.exp(-1*(np.pi**2*sizex*x_pred/(3600.*180.))**2/(4.*np.log(2.)))+psx)    y = Normal('y', mu=gauss, tau=1.0/f_error**2, observed=f)    start=find_MAP()    step=NUTS()    tracex=sample(20000,start=start)

Which results in:


the last observation is that when doing


(result not shown), we can see that sizex seems to be suffering from 'attenuation' or 'regression dilution' due to the error in the measurement of x.