foreignkey (user) in models foreignkey (user) in models python python

foreignkey (user) in models

Don't use the User model directly.

From the documentation

Instead of referring to User directly, you should reference the user model using django.contrib.auth.get_user_model()

When you define a foreign key or many-to-many relations to the user model, you should specify the custom model using the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting.


from django.conf import settingsfrom django.db import modelsclass Article(models.Model):    author = models.ForeignKey(        settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL,        on_delete=models.CASCADE,    )

If you created a custom User model, you would use setting.AUTH_USER_MODEL, if not you can go ahead an use User model

Referencing Django User model

the column "author_id" doesn't exist, looks like is the same problem from here : Django suffix ForeignKey field with _id , so to avoid this traceback you may use :

author = models.ForeignKey(User, db_column="user")