Generating non-repeating random numbers in Python Generating non-repeating random numbers in Python python python

Generating non-repeating random numbers in Python

This is a neat problem, and I've been thinking about it for a while (with solutions similar to Sjoerd's), but in the end, here's what I think:

Use your point 1) and stop worrying.

Assuming real randomness, the probability that a random number has already been chosen before is the count of previously chosen numbers divided by the size of your pool, i.e. the maximal number.

If you say you only need a billion numbers, i.e. nine digits: Treat yourself to 3 more digits, so you have 12-digit serial numbers (that's three groups of four digits – nice and readable).

Even when you're close to having chosen a billion numbers previously, the probability that your new number is already taken is still only 0,1%.

Do step 1 and draw again. You can still check for an "infinite" loop, say don't try more than 1000 times or so, and then fallback to adding 1 (or something else).

You'll win the lottery before that fallback ever gets used.

You could use Format-Preserving Encryption to encrypt a counter. Your counter just goes from 0 upwards, and the encryption uses a key of your choice to turn it into a seemingly random value of whatever radix and width you want.

Block ciphers normally have a fixed block size of e.g. 64 or 128 bits. But Format-Preserving Encryption allows you to take a standard cipher like AES and make a smaller-width cipher, of whatever radix and width you want (e.g. radix 10, width 9 for the parameters of the question), with an algorithm which is still cryptographically robust.

It is guaranteed to never have collisions (because cryptographic algorithms create a 1:1 mapping). It is also reversible (a 2-way mapping), so you can take the resulting number and get back to the counter value you started with.

AES-FFX is one proposed standard method to achieve this.

I've experimented with some basic Python code for AES-FFX--see Python code here (but note that it doesn't fully comply with the AES-FFX specification). It can e.g. encrypt a counter to a random-looking 7-digit decimal number. E.g.:

0000000   07311340000001   61610640000002   88998460000003   95756780000004   30307730000005   27488590000006   51275390000007   13729780000008   38304580000009   76286020000010   66438590000011   25636510000012   95229550000013   92861130000014   55434920000015   3230955...       ...

For another example in Python, using another non-AES-FFX (I think) method, see this blog post "How to Generate an Account Number" which does FPE using a Feistel cipher. It generates numbers from 0 to 2^32-1.

With some modular arithmic and prime numbers, you can create all numbers between 0 and a big prime, out of order. If you choose your numbers carefully, the next number is hard to guess.

modulo = 87178291199 # primeincrementor = 17180131327 # relative primecurrent = 433494437 # some start valuefor i in xrange(1, 100):    print current    current = (current + incrementor) % modulo