get current function name inside that function using python get current function name inside that function using python python python

get current function name inside that function using python

You probably want inspect.getframeinfo(frame).function:

import inspectdef whoami():     frame = inspect.currentframe()    return inspect.getframeinfo(frame).functiondef foo():    print(whoami())foo()



Actually, Eric's answer points the way if this is about logging:

For my logging purpose i want to log all the names of functions where my code is going

You can adjust the formatter to log the function name:

import logging               def whoami():"Now I'm there")def foo():"I'm here")    whoami()"I'm back here again")logging.basicConfig(    format="%(asctime)-15s [%(levelname)s] %(funcName)s: %(message)s",    level=logging.INFO)foo()


2015-10-16 16:29:34,227 [INFO] foo: I'm here2015-10-16 16:29:34,227 [INFO] whoami: Now I'm there2015-10-16 16:29:34,227 [INFO] foo: I'm back here again

For my logging purpose i want to log all the names of functions where my code is going

Have you considered decorators?

import functoolsdef logme(f):    @functools.wraps(f)    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):        print(f.__name__)        return f(*args, **kwargs)    return wrapped@logmedef myfunction():    print("Doing some stuff")